Outpatient Clinics and Surgery Center, Minneapolis Minnesota

Fast Company - 2016 Innovation by Design Finalist

A healthcare building unlike any other, the University of Minnesota Health Clinics and Surgery Center flips the traditional patient care model on its head. It’’s evident from the moment you enter the building and find no front desk, but a greeter with an ipad who hands you a pager for a doctor to come find you when they are ready.

The design draws its inspiration from the sedimentary rock formations and thousands of lakes that dot Minnesota’s surface. The inside of this rock is carved away by a flowing curtainwall that houses a sweeping grand staircase. A rhythm of windows punch into a two tone brick façade and wrap the back of the building; highlighted by a three story staff lounge on par with amenities reserved for patients.

Daylighting for both patients and staff was critical throughout, extending to the operating suites in the large cantilever, which are detailed with double glazed windows.


University of Minnesota Health Clinics and Surgery Center - 2016 - CannonDesign